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Colorful and spring living room designs (20)

4 Furniture Care and Maintenance Tips

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Browsing for new furniture can be quite exciting. There are lots of variety and choices based on their materials and styles. Another point to think about is how to care for them. There are different ways of doing care and maintenance for your furniture based on their materials.

Wood Furniture

Getting wood furniture is a huge investment because it has a long lifespan. To maintain its beauty, you should not expose it to direct sunlight or dampness. Use placemats and coasters to protect it from spilled food and water. Wipe it immediately if you spilled any. You can clean the furniture using furniture polish and wipe it off using a soft dry cloth.

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Cropped shot of a young woman cleaning the surface of a cabinet with cleaning spray and cloth at home during the day

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Leather Furniture

Leather is a type of material that requires little effort of maintenance. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, and place it far from items that produce heat. The minimal effort of leather care is daily dusting. If dirt accumulates, remove it with clear lukewarm water mixed with soap, wipe using a damp cloth, and let air dry it naturally.

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shot of female hand wiping brown leather chester couch or sofa

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Vinyl and Fabrics (Upholstery)

Upholstery materials require immediate action if spilled on because stains can become permanent if you give it time to set. Apart from permanent stains, it can also damage your furniture.

Extreme dryness and humidity can also harm upholstered furniture, so avoid placing it near vents and humidifiers. For weekly maintenance, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner. Make sure to clean the areas beneath the cushion as well.

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Metal furniture requires very little maintenance. If you spilled anything on it, wipe immediately. You can use chrome polish as necessary to restore the shine and remove rusts. After some time, the paint may come off. You can repaint them. Simply check online for comprehensive tutorials.

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Those are the tips on maintaining furniture based on their materials. Taking care of your furniture is a tiring thing to do, but you still have to do it. It will increase your furniture’s lifespan and saves you money from buying a new one.

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