Starter Gardening Supplies: A Beginner Guide to Garden Decor

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While the entire world is working from home, a lot of people find peace in gardening as well. Gardening is not only for a pretty backyard but it can also make your garden decor more beautiful. You can plant your own choice of fresh veggies and have them for dinner every night. If you love herbs, you’re going to love having a wide variety of them in your house. To start gardening, here are some gardening supplies that you truly need!


Whenever you’re doing garden work, be sure to wear some gloves! Plants have horns and can cause accidental splinters. Protect your wrist, but search for a breathable one because it’s hard work and you won’t like sweating inside the gloves!


Using gloves when doing gardening is a must. Using these gloves will protect your wrists. Plants have horns and can cause accidental splinters to injure your hands so wearing these gloves is mandatory. Purple gloves from bhg.


Wearing gloves will protect your wrists from plant debris. This is safety when you are gardening. Choosing comfortable gloves will protect your hands and breathe while gardening. Gardening gloves from bhg.

Seeds or Young Plants

The next step when you are ready for gardening is to decide what kind of plants for your garden. Choose your desired plants and either purchase the seeds or sprouted plants. Be sure to ask the shop about the caring method for each plant! This information is very helpful for you as a beginner.


If this is your first time planting seeds indoors, it is best to do so in small sizes. Choose just one or two varieties that are easy to grow from seed like these favorite annuals. Using this fiber container will speed up the growth of your plants. Do not forget to water it occasionally for plant growth that is quite nutritious. Planting seeds indoors from bhg.


Flat seeds are very easy to grow indoors. Using a recycling bin is the perfect container for you to try. Choose to use egg containers and make drainage holes in each container before planting. Egg cartons work well for starting your young plant seedlings. Egg cartons container from bhg.


Before you can transplant your seedlings into the garden, you will need to give them a few days to grow your plants. Placing the seeds in these containers is the start of perfect plant growth. You should water it occasionally to provide nutrients to your plant seeds. Concrete container seeds from bhg.

Topsoil and Compost

Topsoil or fertilizer helps you grow your plants better and healthier. For a first-timer, you’d want all the protection and booster you can to ensure your plants are growing.


Choosing topsoil will help you speed up plant growth. This is great for you to try in your mini garden. This is the protection and reinforcement you can get to ensure your plants grow. Adding compost will also be good for fertilizing the plants you are growing. Topsoil and compost from thespruce.


Creating quality soil takes time, effort, and expensive equipment. Topsoil or garden soil with little or no organic matter will work best. Adding any type of compost organic matter will contain additional nutrients. Adding mulch or wood chips from redwood and cedar will be better for your plant growth. Compost organic from thespruce.


You can use topsoil to help your plants grow better and healthier. In addition, this compost also provides the protection and strengthening you can to ensure your plants grow. In this way, your plants will grow densely and grow faster. Topsoil plants grow from thedailygardener.


Gardening requires a lot of digging, but what kind of digging exactly? Different types of hoes are used for different purposes. A hoe with a sharp blade and long handle lets you dig in easily. There are also square heads and flat hoes. Purchase one that you are going to need!


This is a garden hoe that will help you grow crops in your garden. It is used by the act of cutting into the soil, then pulling or pulling the head towards you and breaking the lump into furrows. It’s a great all-in-one tool, but it’s best for large-scale tasks, not fine details. Multi-purpose garden hoe from gardengatemagazine.


Using a Swoe hoe with a pointed tip on this wedge-shaped head can make grooves into pavement cracks to shake off weeds. This will help you to dig up the soil when you use it to grow crops. As the picture above is one tool, many uses. This versatile hoe will help you with your gardening. Swoe hoe from gardengatemagazine.


A warren hoe makes planting seeds easy. This lightweight hoe is triangular in shape so it will make it easier for you to dig the soil you want. The pointed tip digs neat grooves in tilled soil, perfect for planting seeds in rows. The pointed teeth can also be used to work on smaller areas with cutting and pulling motions. Warren hoe from gardengatemagazine.

Garden Hose and Watering Can

Of course, your plants are going to need a water shower, but what kind of watering can do you need? The best combo is having two: large and small. You can use a garden hose for this, but the amount of water coming out from a hose can be too much. Some plants can be dead if you feed them too much water!


Sturdy enough for outdoor use, the subtle style of this large brass watering can perfectly match an elegant indoor garden. This will make it easier for you to water the plants so it is suitable for you to provide when preparing for gardening. Using a sprinkler is suitable for you to use to water resistant plants with lots of water. Red watering cans from hgtv.


This jet nozzle or pressure tip is a hose that will help you water various green plants in your garden. It’s perfect for cleaning the garden because it actually draws out enough water. You can use this accessory to remove aphids from roses and skip chemicals. Garden hose from diynetwork.


The last on the list of gardening supplies is fencing material. After planting everything, now you need to ensure that your garden stays safe. The fence is needed so that animals won’t enter your garden—including your neighbors’ pets! You can choose from wood, bamboo, iron, etc according to your need and budget.


This dark brown wooden fence will protect your garden from attacks by neighbors and insects. Completed with a colorful trellis will make this fence look attractive with some green vines. A vibrant trellis is an inexpensive and easy way to beautify your fence yet practical. Dark brown wooden fence from idealhome.


A trellis fence is ideal for protecting your garden from star attack and can filter one part of the garden from another without losing too much light. It becomes your gardening tools and will complete your garden design. Trellis fence from idealhome.

Starting a new garden doesn’t have to be that hard. In fact, there are a lot of home gardening supplies kits that might be simpler to grow than these. Have fun growing food right behind your house!

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