Home Tennis Court Installation Planning Your Court

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Home tennis courts are a luxury and useful addition to your home. They can add value to your home and give you something to enjoy for years to come. Whether you are a serious athlete looking for a way to train with less time away from home or just want to give your home a valuable and fun outdoor space, there is prep work you need to do before starting your tennis court installation. Tennis courts are a major investment and require strategic planning and a professional company to help you get the most for your money. So, we’ve made a list of the steps it takes to plan out your home tennis court installation.

Do You Have the Right Property for a Tennis Court Installation?

You may think your backyard is big, but have you ever measured it? Or really compared it to the size of a tennis court.

The first step is figuring out if you have the right space and land. A standard tennis court of regulation size for doubles is 10.97 meters wide and 23.7 meters long. Looking at only a regulation singles court, on the other hand, it can be 8.23 meters wide. You should measure the space you’re considering using, and you always want to account for extra room around the court for drainage and accessories.

You may need to consult a professional regarding the land itself. They’ll be able to look at your soil conditions and give you a rough idea of what pre-construction work would be required. Some excavation is almost always needed, but some soil may not be fit to build on and require more serious adjustments before construction.

Suppose your property needs to be adjusted for drainage or the soil isn’t stable enough to put a tennis court on. In that case, you may be looking at an extra cost for adding soil and excavation work.

Local Regulations And HOAS

Next, after you find out if you have the space and land, you need to ensure that it’s allowed where you live. First, you should check the local laws and ensure that you are allowed to install a tennis court. If you clear that hurdle, then next up is the dreaded HOA.

Homeowners associations have their own rules and regulations apart from what the law says. If you live in an HOA, you’ll need to consult them before moving forward.

Budgeting Your Tennis Court Installation

So now that you know you have room and are allowed to go forward with a tennis court installation, it’s time to start thinking about your budget. Tennis court installations can range from $30,000 all the way up to $120,000 at the higher end. So, you need to consider what budget you intend to spend on your home upgrade project.

Things you want to make sure you think about while planning this stage include the cost of the court and the work and how much you want to budget for the landscaping and accessories that go along with your new court. Do you want accent plants placed around the court? What about seating areas for spectators? A storage area. All of this needs to be talked about during the budgeting phase.

This is when it’s time to get a professional tennis court installation company involved.

If possible, you want to work on that does everything in-house. They’ll have a designer on staff that knows more about tennis courts than a standard landscaping or home designer. But they will also have all the landscaping skills you’d expect.

A tennis court installation is an extensive home upgrade, and you want to work with a designer to ensure that you get what you want and that it will add value to your home.

Always be clear and upfront about your budget when working with the design team. This is a big investment, but you don’t want it to be bigger than anticipated. Discussing the budget upfront and planning saves everyone a lot of stress and headaches overall.

Picking Styles and Surfaces

Maybe you already know what type of surface you want to have or what style you want your home tennis court installation to have, but do you know which surface will work best for your location? Concrete and asphalt courts increase ball bounce while

Here you really want to be sure you’re working with a company that knows what they are doing. Professional tennis court installation companies know their stuff. They’ve likely seen all the options and can talk you through picking something that you want, which will work perfectly for your space.

They will also help you pick out the lights, fencing, and other accessories you want to add while knowing your budget and how to incorporate them. If you plan to play at night, you will want some kind of floodlighting that won’t bother your neighbors but will allow you to see the ball.

Account for Maintenance

Tennis courts have an initial cost, but they also, like other outdoor luxury upgrades, have maintenance costs down the road. For example, backyard tennis courts have to be resurfaced. Working with a professional tennis court installation company can make this process easier as they will know what likely maintenance you will face down the road.

An Upgrade You Can Enjoy

Your home is an investment, but it’s still your home. Adding a backyard tennis court can increase your resale value down the road. Still, it should also be something you will truly enjoy. Suppose you’ve always dreamed about being able to go out in the morning and play a few rounds before getting your day underway. In that case, a home tennis court installation is the perfect choice for you.

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