
Understanding How Water Softeners Work

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You may have heard the term “water softener” before, but not understood what it meant. A water softener removes certain minerals from water, making it “soft.” The most common minerals that are removed are magnesium and calcium. These minerals can cause all sorts of problems in your home, from making cleaning dishes and clothing difficult to shortening the lifespan of appliances. Installing a water softener is one of the best ways to improve the quality of your home’s water supply. Here are how water softeners work and some of the benefits of using one.


How Water Softeners Work

Water softeners work by exchanging the minerals in hard water for sodium ions. To do this, the softener unit uses a process called ion exchange. In ion exchange, the positively charged calcium and magnesium ions are attracted to the negatively charged sodium ions on the beads inside the softener unit. This exchange process removes the minerals from the water, leaving it softer and more gentle on your skin and hair.

Water softeners are typically installed near your home’s water heater or other point-of-use location. They are connected to your home’s plumbing system and operate automatically on a timer. An iron removing water softener is one of the water softeners that removes iron from your water. It helps improve your water quality and makes it easier to keep your home clean. Iron is a mineral that can cause staining on fixtures and clothing. It can also give your water an unpleasant taste.

Benefits of Installing a Water Softener

Reduced Hardness in Your Water 

Minerals like calcium and magnesium cause hardness in water. These minerals can form scale on fixtures and appliances, making soap less effective. When you install a water softener, these minerals are removed from the water, leaving you with softer water that feels better on your skin and won’t leave spots on dishes or scales in your tub or shower.

Soap will Lather Better, and Your Laundry will be Brighter 

Because hard water prevents soap from fully dissolving, it can leave a soapy film on your skin after showering and cause dinginess in your laundry. A water softener will help solve both problems by allowing soap to dissolve fully, resulting in brighter laundry and improved lathering power for shampoos and body washes.

Less Mineral Buildup on Fixtures and Appliances 

When there’s less hardness in the water, there’s also less mineral buildup on fixtures and appliances that come into contact with water. This can prolong the life of these items by preventing corrosion and scaling. In addition, it can also save you money on repairs and replacement costs down the road.

Less Need for Harsh Cleaning Chemicals 



Because hard water leaves more of a soapy film behind, it often requires harsh cleaning chemicals to remove dirt, grease, and soap scum buildup. When you have a water softener installed, you may not need to use as many harsh chemicals around the house because softer water cleans more effectively. In addition, using fewer harsh chemicals can also be better for the environment.

Installing a water softener is an easy way to improve the quality of your home’s water supply. Not only does softened water taste better, but it also offers many benefits for your skin, hair, clothes, and appliances. Contact a licensed plumber for assistance if you’re considering installing a water softener.

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