6 Non-Toxic Ways to Keep Your Backyard Pest-Free All Summer

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Summer is a time for BBQs, swimming, and spending time outdoors. Unfortunately, that also means dealing with pesky insects and rodents. While there are plenty of chemical-based pesticides on the market, most of them are toxic and harmful to both people and the environment. So what can you do to keep your backyard pest-free without resorting to harsh chemicals? Here are six non-toxic ways to get the job done.

Fly Traps

Fly traps are a great way to keep pests out of your backyard without using toxic chemicals. They work by luring the flies into the trap with sweet bait, then the flies get stuck in the sticky walls and can’t escape.

Fly traps are easy to use and can be placed anywhere in your yard. You can also find a great flytrap online these days. They are available in a variety of sizes and can be placed anywhere in your yard. 

Fly traps are a great alternative to pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment. They are also safe for children and pets.


DIY Bug Spray

As the weather gets warmer, we all start spending more time outdoors. However, warmer weather also means that bugs and other pests start to become more active. No one wants to be constantly swatting at mosquitoes or dealing with ants on their picnic. So, what can you do to keep pests out of your backyard without resorting to toxic chemicals?


One option is to make your own DIY bug spray. This is a non-toxic way to keep pests away, and it’s also much cheaper than buying commercial bug sprays. You can make a DIY bug spray using essential oils and other natural ingredients.

To make your own DIY bug spray, you will need:

– A spray bottle

– 1/2 cup of water

– 1/2 cup witch hazel or vodka

– 1 tablespoon carrier oil (such as jojoba or grapeseed oil)

– 20-30 drops of essential oil (such as citronella, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, or rosemary)

Start by adding the water and witch hazel or vodka to your spray bottle. Then add the carrier oil and essential oils. Shake well to combine. You can use this bug spray immediately or store it in a cool, dark place for up to 2 weeks.

Using Garden Lime

Garden lime is a popular way to keep pests out of your backyard, and it’s also non-toxic. Garden lime is made from limestone that has been crushed and heated. When applied to the soil, it raises the pH level, making the soil less acidic. This can help to deter pests as well as improve plant growth.

Garden lime can be found at most garden stores, and it’s easy to apply. Simply spread the lime over the affected area and water it in. You should see results within a few days.

Planting Garlic

Garlic is a great way to keep pests out of your backyard, and it’s completely non-toxic! All you need to do is plant some garlic around the perimeter of your yard, and the pests will stay away.

Garlic is a natural repellent for many common pests, including mosquitoes, ants, and beetles. It’s also effective against bigger pests like rabbits. So if you’re looking for a non-toxic way to keep your backyard pest-free, planting garlic is a great option.

Pulling Out Weak Plants

If you’re looking for a non-toxic way to keep pests out of your backyard, pulling out weak plants is a great option. This method is especially effective against aphids, whiteflies, and other small insects.

To pull out weak plants, simply grab the plant at the base and tug gently. If the plant comes out easily, it’s probably not very healthy and is more likely to attract pests. Throw it away or compost it.

Keeping Foliage Dry

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your backyard is to keep your foliage dry. This may seem like an obvious solution, but many people forget to do this simple task. By keeping your foliage dry, you create an environment that is not conducive to pests. This will help to keep them out of your yard and away from your home.

There are a few different ways that you can keep your foliage dry. One way is to water your plants in the morning so that they have time to dry off before nightfall. Another way is to use a garden hose to spray down your plants and foliage after a rainfall.

Summer is the time of year when most people spend time outdoors. Unfortunately, that also means that it’s when most people are pestered by bugs. This article outlines six non-toxic ways to keep your backyard pest-free all summer.

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